 *  Name:       Path to POVRAY scene description file 
 *  Filename:   PATH2POV.C
 *  System:     486 / 100 MHz
 *  Compiler:   Boland C++ Version 4.0
 *  Date:       Sun Sep 1 10:33 1996
 *  Author:     Robert H. Morrison
 *              Brucknertsr. 12
 *              D-76744 W”rth
 *              GERMANY
 *              Tel/FAX:    +49 7271 2383
 *              Email:      mo@hitex.ti.ba-karlsruhe.de
 *              Compuserve: 101627,2205


                        Typedefs, Structures & Variables 

#define PROGRAM_NAME    "Path2POV"
#define PROGRAM_DESC    PROGRAM_NAME ## " - Aimless PATH to POVray scene description file"
#define AUTHOR          "Robert H. Morrison"
#define COPYRIGHT       "Copyright (c) 1996 by " ## AUTHOR ## " - CODE placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN"

#define VERSION_MAJOR   1
#define VERSION_MINOR   10

#define MAX_WIDTH       800
#define MAX_HEIGHT      600

#define MAX_PATH        (80*20*10)

#define SPECIAL_CH  '@'
#define CR          '\r'
#define LF          '\n'
#define EOS         '\0'

#define SPECIAL_STR "@"
#define CRLF        "\r\n"

typedef enum { FALSE, TRUE } Boolean;
typedef enum { X, Y, Z, Num_of_Axis } Axis;
typedef enum { Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Magenta, Num_of_Colors } Color;
typedef enum { North, South, East, West, Up, Down, Num_of_Dirs } Dir;

typedef enum
    NN, NS, NE, NW, NU, ND,
    SN, SS, SE, SW, SU, SD,
    EN, ES, EE, EW, EU, ED,
    WN, WS, WE, WW, WU, WD,
    UN, US, UE, UW, UU, UD,
    DN, DS, DE, DW, DU, DD,


}   Arrow;

Arrow   curr_arrow;
Color   curr_color;

char *  color[ Num_of_Colors + 1 ] = { "Red", "White", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Cyan", "Magenta", NULL };

int     origin_change[Num_of_Dirs][Num_of_Axis] =
    {  0,  0,  1 },     /*  North   */
    {  0,  0, -1 },     /*  South   */
    {  1,  0,  0 },     /*  East    */
    { -1,  0,  0 },     /*  West    */
    {  0,  1,  0 },     /*  Up      */
    {  0, -1,  0 },     /*  Down    */

typedef struct
    double  now;
    double  min;
    double  mid;
    double  max;
    double  len;

}   Pos;

typedef enum


}   Special;

char * special_str[ Num_of_Specials + 1 ] =


char * err_file_open_sary[] = { "\nError:  Unable to open the file \"@PathFile\".", NULL };

char *  INI_header_sary[] =
    ";  Automatically generated by the @Program program for use by POVRAY Ver 3.0",
    ";  @Copyright",
    ";  Generated on: @DateTimeGroup",
    "Antialias = ON\n",

    "Clock = 0.8333\n",
    "Width  = @Width",
    "Height = @Height\n",

    "Input_File_Name = @POV_INI_file.pov\n",

    "Output_File_Name = @POV_INI_file.tga\n",

    "Initial_Frame = 1",
    "Final_Frame   = 12",


char *  header_sary[] =
    "  Automatically generated by the @Program program for use by POVRAY Ver 3.0",
    "  @Copyright\n",
    "  Path being converted:",
    "  @Path\n",
    "  Generated on: @DateTimeGroup",

    "#include \"colors.inc\"",
    "#include \"chars.inc\"",
    "#include \"glass.inc\"",
    "#include \"textures.inc\"",
    "#include \"shapes.inc\"",
    "#include \"stones.inc\"",
    "#include \"shapes2.inc\"\n",

    "   DEFINE OBJECTS: Straight_Arrow, Curved_Arrow, Entrance and Compass",

    "#declare Straight_Arrow =",
    "    cylinder { <0, -0.5, 0>,  <0, 0.5, 0>, 0.06 }",

    "#declare Curved_Arrow =",
    "    cylinder { <0, -0.5, 0>,    <0, -0.11, 0>,   0.06 }",
    "    cylinder { <0,  0,   0.11>, <0,  0,    0.5>, 0.06 }",
    "    torus { 0.11, 0.06 clipped_by {plane{x,0}} clipped_by{plane{z,0}} rotate <0, 0, -90> translate <0, -0.11, 0.11> }",

    "#declare Entrance =",
    "    box { <-0.5, -0.5, 0.5>, <0.5, 0.5, -0.5> }",
    "    box { <-0.6, -0.4, 0.4>, <0.6, 0.4, -0.4> }",
    "    box { <-0.4, -0.6, 0.4>, <0.4, 0.6, -0.4> }",
    "    box { <-0.4, -0.4, 0.6>, <0.4, 0.4, -0.6> }",

    "#declare Compass =",
    "    sphere{ <-2, 0, 0>, 0.5 texture{ Silver3 }}",
    "    @CompassObjects",

    "   The entire BUILDING",

    "#declare Building =",
    "    /*-------------------------------------------------------",
    "        Put a FRAME around the BUILDING ENTRY/EXIT square",
    "    -------------------------------------------------------*/\n",

    "    object { Entrance texture { Gold_Nugget } finish{ ambient rgb <0.6, 0.6, 0.6> }}\n",

    "    /*-------------------------------------------------",
    "        Here come the Arrows, here come the Arrows,",
    "        the Arrows are here, HERE ARE THE ARROWS !",
    "    -------------------------------------------------*/\n",


char *  building_sary[] =
    "#declare Start = 0",
    "#declare End   = 360",
    "#declare Angle = Start+(End-Start)*clock\n",

    "object { Building  rotate y*200 rotate -x*10 }",


char *  compass_sary[] =
    "    /*--------------------------------------------------",
    "       And a 'nice' COMPASS rose to show us the way",
    "    --------------------------------------------------*/\n",

char *  translate_sary[] =
    "    /*----------------------------------------------------",
    "       And now TRANSLATE the WHOLE BUILDING to <0,0,0>",
    "    ----------------------------------------------------*/\n",

char *  lights_sary[] =
    "    LIGHTS...",


char *  camera_sary[] =
    "    CAMERA",


char *  usage_sary[] =
    "Usage: @Program PATH_file [POV_INI_file]\n",
    "       where;  PATH_file:     contains the PATH in the BUILDING.",
    "                              any characters other than 'n','s',",
    "                              'e','w','u' and 'd' are ignored.\n",
    "               POV_INI_file:  is an optional parameter that specifies",
    "                              the NAME that will be used for the .POV",
    "                              and .INI files that will be created.",
    "                                  If omitted then PATH_file will be",
    "                              used for NAME (under DOS this means",
    "                              that you may NOT use an extension for",
    "                              the PATH_file if POV_INI_file is not",
    "                              specified).",


char *  compass_fmt   = "    object{ Compass translate <%g, %g, %g> }\n";
char *  letter_fmt    = "    object{ %s translate <0, -2.5, 0> scale <0.2, 0.2, 0.2> translate <%g, %g, %g> pigment { color %s } finish{ ambient rgb <0.4, 0.4, 0.4> }}\n";
char *  object_fmt    = "    object{ %s rotate %s translate <%g, %g, %g> pigment { color %s } finish{ ambient rgb <0.4, 0.4, 0.4> }}\n";

char *  translate_fmt = "    translate <%g, %g, %g>\n}\n\n";

char *  light_fmt     = "light_source { <%g, %g, %g> color White }\n";
char *  camera_fmt    = "camera{ orthographic up <0, %g, 0> right <%g, 0, 0> location <0, 0, %g> look_at <0, 0, 0> }\n";

char    last_path_ltr = 'e';

char    path_str[ MAX_PATH + 1 ];
char    pgm_name[255];
char    fname[255];

char    dir_str[ Num_of_Dirs + 1 ] = "nsewud";

char    straight_arrow[] = "Straight_Arrow";
char    curved_arrow  [] = "Curved_Arrow";

char *  arrow_object;
char *  POV_INI_name;
char *  path_ptr;
char *  path_fname;

double  up;
double  right;

int     ch;

int     height;
int     width;

FILE *  fp_PATH;
FILE *  fp_POV;
FILE *  fp_INI;

Pos     origin[ Num_of_Axis ];

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           calculate_midpoints
 *  Description:    We must calculate the MID POINT of the PATH which just
 *                  happens to be the midpoint for the X, Y, and Z axis.
 *  Parameters:     NONE
 *  Return Value:   X, Y, and Z MID POINTS (in the origin array)

void calculate_midpoints( void )
    Axis    axis;
    for ( axis = 0; axis < Num_of_Axis; ++axis )
        origin[axis].mid  = 0.0;
        origin[axis].len  = abs( origin[axis].max - origin[axis].min );

        origin[axis].now  = origin[axis].min + origin[axis].len / 2;

        origin[axis].min += origin[axis].now;
        origin[axis].max += origin[axis].now;

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           get_direction
 *  Description:    Obtain number to represent the direction letter.
 *  Parameters:     in  char    dir_ch      direction letter
 *  Return Value:   Dir value that corresponds to the dir_ch

Dir get_direction( char dir_ch )
    Dir     dir;

    for ( dir = 0; dir < Num_of_Dirs; ++dir )
        if ( dir_str[dir] == dir_ch )
    return dir;

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           calculate_arrow_type
 *  Description:    Obtain number to represent the arrow type based on the
 *                  last and current direction letters.
 *  Parameters:     in  char    last_ch     LAST direction letter
 *                  in  char    curr_ch     CURR direction letter
 *  Return Value:   Arrow value that is correct based on last_ch and curr_ch

Arrow calculate_arrow_type( char last_ch, char curr_ch )
    return ( get_direction( last_ch ) * Num_of_Dirs + get_direction( curr_ch ));

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           get_rotation_string
 *  Description:    Given the ARROW DIRECTION "NN, NE, ...", returns a pointer
 *                  to the rotation string that is required.
 *  Parameters:     in  Arrow   dir     Direction for Arrow
 *  Return Value:   Pointer to the rotation string to be used.

char * get_rotation_string( Arrow dir )
    char *  ptr = "0";
    switch( dir )
            The following use the Straight_Arrow (Up-Up)

        case NN:    ptr = "x*90";               break;
        case SS:    ptr = "-x*90";              break;
        case EE:    ptr = "-z*90";              break;
        case WW:    ptr = "z*90";               break;
        case DD:    ptr = "z*180";              break;

            The following use the Curved_Arrow (Up-North)

        case US:    ptr = "y*180";              break;
        case UE:    ptr = "y*90";               break;
        case UW:    ptr = "-y*90";              break;

        case NE:    ptr = "<90,  0,  90>";      break;
        case NW:    ptr = "<90,  0, -90>";      break;
        case NU:    ptr = "<90,  0, 180>";      break;
        case ND:    ptr = "x*90";               break;

        case DN:    ptr = "z*180";              break;
        case DS:    ptr = "<0, 180, 180>";      break;
        case DE:    ptr = "<0, -90, 180>";      break;
        case DW:    ptr = "<0,  90, 180>";      break;

        case SE:    ptr = "< 90, 180,   0>";    break;
        case SW:    ptr = "<-90,   0,  90>";    break;
        case SU:    ptr = "-x*90";              break;
        case SD:    ptr = "<-90,   0, 180>";    break;

        case EN:    ptr = "-z*90";              break;
        case ES:    ptr = "<180,  0,  90>";     break;
        case EU:    ptr = "<-90, -90,  0>";     break;
        case ED:    ptr = "< 90,  90,  0>";     break;

        case WN:    ptr = "z*90";               break;
        case WS:    ptr = "< 0, 180, 90>";      break;
        case WU:    ptr = "< 0,  90, 90>";      break;
        case WD:    ptr = "< 0, -90, 90>";      break;
    return ( ptr );

/*-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           special_cmd
 *  Description:    Takes care of processing any 'special' commands.
 *  Parameters:     in  char * line
 *                  in  char * buf
 *                  in  FILE * stream
 *  Return Value:   TRUE if a special command has been processed,
 *                  otherwise FALSE.

Boolean special_cmd( char * line, char * buf, FILE * stream )
    Boolean     rc;
    char        sbuf[255];
    char *      old_pos;
    char *      pos;
    int         count;
    int         len;
    Special     mode;

    rc   = FALSE;
    *buf = EOS;

    old_pos = line;
    pos = strchr( line, SPECIAL_CH );

    if ( pos == NULL )
        return rc;

        for ( mode = 0; mode < Num_of_Specials; mode++ )
            len = strlen(special_str[mode]);

            if ( ! strncmp( pos, special_str[mode], len ))
                count = pos - old_pos;

                if ( count )
                    strncpy( sbuf, old_pos, count ) ;
                    sbuf[count] = EOS;
                    strcat( buf, sbuf );

                switch ( mode )
                    case spc_Date_Time_Group:
                        time_t      t;
                        struct tm * area;

                        t = time(NULL);
                        area = localtime(&t);
                        strcat( buf, asctime( area ));
                        buf[strlen(buf)-1] = EOS;

                    case spc_Program_Header:
                        count = strlen(COPYRIGHT) - 13;
                        sprintf( strchr( buf, EOS ), "%-*s Version %d.%02d", count, PROGRAM_DESC, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR );

                    case spc_Copyright:
                        strcat( buf, COPYRIGHT );

                    case spc_Program:
                        strcat( buf, PROGRAM_NAME );

                    case spc_PathFile:
                        strcat( buf, path_fname );

                    case spc_Path:
                        char *  curr;
                        int     clen;
                        int     olen;
                        int     step;
                            At this point count represents the number of spaces
                            that should be output before each line containing
                            a MAXIMUM of (79 - count) PATH letters.

                        step = 79 - ( count << 1 );
                        for ( curr = path_str, clen = strlen( path_str ); clen; clen -= step, curr += step )
                            if ( clen < step )
                                step = clen;

                            olen = strlen( buf );
                            strncpy( strchr( buf, EOS ), curr, step );
                            buf[ olen + step ] = EOS;

                            if ( clen > step )
                                fputs( buf, ( stream ? stream : stdout ));
                                fputc( LF,  ( stream ? stream : stdout ));
                                memset( buf, ' ', count );
                                buf[count] = EOS;

                    case spc_CompassObjects:
                        char *  obj_letter;
                        double  dx, dy, dz;
                        Dir     dir;

                        for ( dir = 0; dir < Num_of_Dirs; )
                            dx = (double)(origin_change[dir][X]);
                            dy = (double) origin_change[dir][Y] * 2;
                            dz = (double) origin_change[dir][Z] * 2;
                            switch ( dir )
                                case East:  dx += 1.5;  break;
                                case West:  dx -= 1.5;  break;
                                case Up:    dy += 0.5;  break;
                                case Down:  dy -= 0.5;  break;

                            switch ( dir )
                                case North: obj_letter = "char_N";  break;
                                case South: obj_letter = "char_S";  break;
                                case East:  obj_letter = "char_E";  break;
                                case West:  obj_letter = "char_W";  break;
                                case Up:    obj_letter = "char_U";  break;
                                case Down:  obj_letter = "char_D";  break;
                                default:    obj_letter = NULL;      break;

                            if ( obj_letter != NULL )
                                sprintf( buf, letter_fmt, obj_letter, dx - 2, dy, dz, color[dir>>1] );
                                fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), buf );

                            curr_arrow = calculate_arrow_type( dir_str[dir], dir_str[dir] );

                            sprintf( buf, object_fmt, straight_arrow,
                                get_rotation_string( curr_arrow ),
                                (double)(origin_change[dir][X] - 2),
                                (double) origin_change[dir][Y],
                                (double) origin_change[dir][Z],

                            if ( ++dir < Num_of_Dirs )
                                fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), buf );
                                buf[strlen(buf)-1] = EOS;

                    case spc_POV_INI_file:
                        strcat( buf, POV_INI_name );

                    case spc_Height:
                        sprintf( strchr( buf, EOS ), "%d", height );

                    case spc_Width:
                        sprintf( strchr( buf, EOS ), "%d", width );

                    case spc_FirstColor:
                        strcat( buf, color[0] );

                rc = TRUE;

        if ( ! ( mode < Num_of_Specials ))
            strcat( buf, SPECIAL_STR );
            len = 1;

        old_pos = pos + len;
        pos = strchr( old_pos, SPECIAL_CH );
    while ( pos != NULL );

    if ( *old_pos )
        strcat( buf, old_pos );

    return rc;

/*-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           sary_print             
 *  Description:    Prints out the array of strings line for line until
 *                  a NUL pointer is found.
 *  Parameters:     in  char ** line    Pointer to array of strings
 *                  in  FILE *  stream  File stream to output to
 *  Return Value:   NONE

void sary_print( char ** line, FILE * stream )
    char    buf[255];

    for ( ; *line; line++ )
        if ( ! special_cmd( *line, buf, stream ))
            fputs( *line, ( stream ? stream : stdout ));
            fputs( buf, ( stream ? stream : stdout ));

        fputc( LF, ( stream ? stream : stdout ));

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           update_origin
 *  Description:    Given the last direction we must adjust the origin
 *                  array for X, Y, and Z axis, all values - MIN, MAX,
 *                  and NOW.
 *  Parameters:     in  Dir     dir     Direction for Arrow
 *  Return Value:   NONE

void update_origin( Dir dir )
    Axis    axis;
    for ( axis = 0; axis < Num_of_Axis; ++axis )
        origin[axis].now += (double) origin_change[dir][axis];

        if ( origin[axis].now < origin[axis].min )
            origin[axis].min = origin[axis].now;

        if ( origin[axis].now > origin[axis].max )
            origin[axis].max = origin[axis].now;    }

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           write_INI_file
 *  Description:    Calculates and prints data to the POVRAY INI file.
 *  Parameters:     NONE
 *  Return Value:   NONE

void write_INI_file( void )
    if ( right > 1.3333 * up )
        width  = MAX_WIDTH;
        height = (int)((double) width * up / right );
        height = MAX_HEIGHT;
        width  = (int)((double) height * right / up );
    sary_print( INI_header_sary, fp_INI );

/*  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           file_open_error
 *  Description:    Outputs USAGE INFO and an appropriate ERROR MESSAGE
 *                  indicating what file we could not open.
 *  Parameters:     in  char *  file_name   Name of the file to open
 *  Return Value:   EXIT_FAILURE

file_open_error( char * file_name )
    path_fname = file_name;
    sary_print( usage_sary, stderr );
    sary_print( err_file_open_sary, stderr );
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

/*-  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Name:           main                  
 *  Description:    This program reads a POTM AIMLESS path string
 *                  that describes a valid path through a building (see
 *                  potm problem Summer 1996) and writes a POVRAY scene
 *                  description file that is to be ray traced by POVRAY
 *                  Version 3.0 (or higher).
 *  Parameters:     in  int     argc    Number of arguments
 *                  in  char *  argv[]  Array of pointers to the arguments
 *  Return Value:   EXIT_SUCCESS

main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    double  floor;

    tzset();                /*  Seamed like a good idea at the time         */
    origin[X].min = -3.0;   /*  Include COMPASS rose as part of dimensions  */

        Save the PROGRAM NAME to a global char array (just in case)
    strncpy( pgm_name, argv[0], sizeof( pgm_name ));
    pgm_name[ sizeof( pgm_name ) - 1 ] = EOS;

        If NO ARGUMENTS on the command line then print out the usage INFO
    if ( argc < 2 || argc > 3 )
        sary_print( usage_sary, stderr );
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    POV_INI_name = argv[argc-1];

        Read the PATH that we are to display into 'path_str'...
    fp_PATH = fopen( argv[1], "r" );

    if ( ! fp_PATH )
        return file_open_error( argv[1] );
    for ( path_ptr = path_str; ( ch = fgetc( fp_PATH ? fp_PATH : stdin )) > 0; )
        if ( strchr( dir_str, ch ))
            *(path_ptr++) = (char) ch;

    *path_ptr = EOS;
        Open the POV file for writing

    sprintf( fname, "%s.pov", POV_INI_name );
    fp_POV = fopen( fname, "w" );

    if ( ! fp_POV )
        return file_open_error( fname );
        Open the INI file for writing

    sprintf( fname, "%s.ini", POV_INI_name );
    fp_INI = fopen( fname, "w" );

    if ( ! fp_INI )
        return file_open_error( fname );
        Print the POVRAY header information...
    sary_print( header_sary, fp_POV );

        LOOP through the PATH creating one Arrow of the appropriate POSITION,
        ORIENTATION, and COLOR for each of the letters in the PATH string.

    for ( curr_color = -1, path_ptr = path_str; *path_ptr; ++path_ptr )
        curr_arrow = calculate_arrow_type( last_path_ltr, *path_ptr );

        curr_color %= Num_of_Colors;

        switch ( curr_arrow )
            case NN:    case SS:
            case EE:    case WW:
            case UU:    case DD:
                arrow_object = straight_arrow;

            case NE:    case NW:    case NU:    case ND:
            case SE:    case SW:    case SU:    case SD:
            case EN:    case ES:    case EU:    case ED:
            case WN:    case WS:    case WU:    case WD:
            case UN:    case US:    case UE:    case UW:
            case DN:    case DS:    case DE:    case DW:
                arrow_object = curved_arrow;

                fprintf( stderr, "Error: INVALID Arrow = \"%c%c\"\n", last_path_ltr, *path_ptr );
                arrow_object = NULL;

        if ( arrow_object )

            fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ),   object_fmt,
                get_rotation_string( curr_arrow ),

        last_path_ltr = *path_ptr;
        update_origin( get_direction( last_path_ltr ));

        And a 'nice' COMPASS rose to show us the way
    sary_print( compass_sary, fp_POV );
    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), compass_fmt, -2.0, origin[Y].max / 2, 0.0 );

        Calculate the EXACT MIDPOINT of the BUILDING (X, Y, and Z)

        Finish defining BUILDING object by translating the MIDPOINT to the ORIGIN
    sary_print( translate_sary, fp_POV );
    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), translate_fmt, -origin[X].now, -origin[Y].now, -origin[Z].now );
        Define ANIMATION paramaters and the BUILDING
    sary_print( building_sary, fp_POV );

    sary_print( lights_sary, fp_POV );

    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ),   light_fmt,
        origin[Y].max + 1.0,

    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ),   light_fmt,
        origin[Y].max + 1.0,

    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ),   light_fmt,
        origin[Y].max + 1.0,

    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ),   light_fmt,
        origin[Y].max + 1.0,

    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), "\n" );
    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), light_fmt, 0.0, 0.0, -(double)((int)(origin[X].len + 0.5)));

    up    = (double)((int)(origin[Y].len * 2.0 + 0.5));
    right = (double)((int)(origin[X].len + 4.5));
    sary_print( camera_sary, fp_POV );
    fprintf(( fp_POV ? fp_POV : stdout ), camera_fmt, up, right, -(double)((int)(origin[X].len + 0.5)));

        Now write the INI file

        Clean up our ROOM...

    if ( fp_PATH )
        fclose( fp_PATH );

    if ( fp_POV )
        fclose( fp_POV );

    if ( fp_INI )
        fclose( fp_INI );

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;    /* and ACTION! */