======================================================================== CONGRATULATIONS TO C H A D H U R R I T Z for L o r d B i t i s h WINNER OF THE KnightCrawler POTM !!!! Andre Wilhelmus wins the Tournament of Champions crown for Knight_Errant. ========================================================================
Of the five entries that found a 380 move solution to the final test, Lord_Bitish managed to revisit only ONE stop and thus had 379 unique stops - the runners-up fell just short of this solution! ======================================================================== Mon Jan 1 9:00:00 EST 1996 WEEK 15 38 entered 276 asked for details. 834 are on the mailing list! ENTRY HITS MOVES U-HIT Seconds LANG Programmer ------------ ---- ----- ----- ------- ---- ------------------- Lord_Bitish 100 380 379 442.05 C Chad Hurritz Sir_Sot 100 380 378 275.07 C Bob Ashenfelter veni,vedi,jumpi 100 380 378 610.08 C P.Frants S.Pieterse knight 100 380 377 452.96 GCC Staffan Ulfberg knight_b4_xmas 100 382 378 450.18 C++ Jim Hahn gimpy 100 382 377 600.49 C Don Shugard muddle_of_the_knight 100 382 371 51.47 C Brace Stout pendragone 100 384 379 3.83 C Andrew Gauld KnightMare 100 386 377 501.68 GCC Andreas Eisele sellsalot 100 392 386 294.12 C Warren Montgomery hopalong 100 394 393 125.78 C Dick Bradley Neee 100 398 391 0.95 C Stuart McDonald Horsey 100 402 388 37.08 C Randy Saint symphony 100 408 393 136.11 GCC Gerie Alards up_all_knight 100 410 382 0.30 GCC Jim Curran Day_Tripper 100 432 418 6.51 C Tommy Six HardDaysKnight 100 436 427 320.77 C Joe Eccles red_eye 100 436 415 1.49 C Davor Slamnig lancelot 100 438 436 0.73 C Matt Cross k-thing 100 444 431 1.36 C Martin Kealey lurch 100 450 446 0.54 C Phong Vo K 100 450 433 0.16 C David Wales cagey_knight 100 456 434 372.19 C Kunal Ghosh NightMother 100 456 432 0.38 G++ Emery Lapinski horseplay 100 484 468 562.05 C++ Stu Rowland ig-knighted 100 488 464 320.91 C Alfredo Machuca oyster_knight 100 562 561 34.41 PERL Gary Gressel knightshift 99 386 371 63.71 GCC Ag Primatic hop_skip_and_jump 99 416 402 478.63 C Alex Popiel to_B_or_to_A 0 -1 0 >900.00 G++ David Roe gareth 0 0 0 0.00 GCC Andrew Shaw Good_Knight 0 0 0 0.00 C Scott Everett SaintGeorge 0 0 0 0.00 C George Newsome knightcrawler 0 0 0 0.00 G++ Rob Creager ======== And now ... the Tournament of Champions for past POTM winners ======== (since past winners cannot win again, they compete separately!) ENTRY HITS MOVES U-HIT Seconds LANG Programmer ------------ ---- ----- ----- ------- ---- ------------------- Knight_Errant 100 380 359 575.43 GCC =Andre Wilhelmus FeudalExpress 100 382 377 549.21 C =Vincent Goffin late_knight 100 398 395 342.22 C =Stan Peijffers spunky 100 400 392 320.98 C =Neil Weinstock ===========================================================================