Consolation Awards
As always ... there are consolation awards. Some folks actually
try and win these things - perhaps YOU will find your entry wins
one of these in the next POTM!
Apologies for the delay ... and again for the
"fewer-than-usual" number of awards - every now
and then I have to actually WORK for a few days.
This will be the last MOO POTM mail ... when
things settle down at work I'll start thinking
about the NEXT contest - until then, if you have
any POTM ideas - please send them to me!
Thanks for participating!
Now, to business.
to Wolfram Hinderer for QuackTheDuck
Even with the error, QuackTheDuck was very respectable.
After the error was corrected (following the deadline)
the entry showed its potential.
The "ONE ENTRY TOO MANY" Award to Pavel Ouvarov for
Shortly before the deadline, dancing_letters was tied
for the lead. A new version arrived with less than
2 hours to go. While the new version was probably
better overall - it dropped him one point behind on
the three final words. Thus eliminating the need for
a run-off. Can you spell "ARRRRRGGGGG"? No matter,
since the top two entries arrived even later than that!
The "NYAAAA - I'M AT THE TOP" Award to Shawn Smith for MOOtPoint
Shawn's entry, while completely legal, just "happened" to
use PINEAPPLE as the fifth guess - thus achieving a top
score on the system test word. A good lesson for all
POTM participants: don't be scared off by great system
test scores!
The "NYAAAA - AT LEAST I FINISHED" Award to Michael Chen for "naive"
With a final score of 111 on the final, Michael was a bit
off Frederic's winning pace on the finals - but I'd wager
that Michael is a "good guy".
The coveted "BEST PROGRAM NAME" goes to Joshua Huntington for "XYZZY"
While XYZZY has nothing whatever to do with cows, or bulls, or
this contest at all - it DOES have meaning to old (mature?)
gameplayers like myself. XYZZY was scrawled on the cave floor
just inside the entrance to Colossal Cave in one of the earliest
text adventure games: "Adventure". Along with the later PLOVER
and PLOUGH, these magic words helped intrepid players avoid the
grues. The award was simply for bringing back some happy memories.
Best "BOVINE RELATED PROGRAM NAME" to Randy Saint for NoBullPeacePrize
Randy (or his better half) always seems to come up with one
of the best program names ... sometimes I think they're putting
more effort into the name than the program ... (wink, wink)
Best "WHAT DO I DO FOR FUN ANSWER" to Bernard Hatt (pat)
Bernard listed his interest as
"Programming/Gardening/Cooking/Eating/Wine making/Drinking"
The last two struck me as the ideal pairing of interests.
who suggested the best POTM idea would be: Large cash prizes!
Yeah. I think so too!
The "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" award to Ben Angrim for "steak"
"steak" came for the first time with just minutes to go
before the deadline. It compiled. It ran. It solved
the problem. What more can one ask?
The "WORST JOB DESCRIPTION" award to Mark McCann
Mark's answers to the final questions in the questionaire:
Argue with project managers
Argue with project managers
I really don't enjoy arguing with project managers
An aid to argue with project managers.
Since I am (among other things) a project manager, I doubt
that I'll be using Mark's POTM suggestion any time soon.
The BEST PERL PROGRAM to Mike Liddell for "Nero_the_Horse"
The BEST JAVA PROGRAM to Ted Alper for Cowculator
The BEST SHELL PROGRAM to Brian Rapp for Moot_Force
And finally
The OLDIE BUT GOODIE AWARD to Scott Kennedy for MooIndigo
Scott was one of the original co-founders of the POTM
wellover ten years ago. In those days, it was a very
local contest at one AT&T location. The winner of a
POTM took on the responsibility of running the next
contest and one of Scott's contests was the first
version of MOO - the inspiration for this POTM contest.
Personal thanks to Scott for participating, and
congratulations on a third place (tie) finish.