/* entry is followed by the expanded version
#define _ define
#_ T 10000
#_ J (T+z-*V)%T
#_ K a=u[s++]+r-d*T;if(a<0)a+=100*T;if(a0)x=~0,v(J,1,0,J-z),printf("%d\n",x);}
This program corresponds roughly to the pre-obfuscated palith.c
with added comments. Main idea: for each value of odo and tripodo,
generate the entire set of pairs of four digit numbers (abcd, efgh)
such that: 1) all the digits a-h are distinct and 2) the differences
abcd - efgh and odo - tripodo are congruent mod 10,000. For each
member of this set, use table lookup to find the two unused digits
(say i and j) and consider the two six-digit numbers ijabcd and jiabcd.
Keep track of the smallest of numbers these encountered greater than odo,
(mod a million); This will be the answer we seek.
The recursion proceeds from the least significant digit to the
most significant, and uses a bit-vector to keep track of the
bits used so far. This bit-vector also is used for the table
lookup at the base of the recursion.
-- Palith Balakrishnabati, 11267 and 11216
#define TT 10000
int tripo, odo; /* trip and main odometers */
unsigned int bestgap; /* main odometer reading found so far
that's nearest (mod 1,000,000) above odo */
int unusedpair[1024][2];/* table mapping vectors of 10 bits with
exactly 8 1-bits and 2 0-bits in the
low 10 bits to (10i + j) * 10000 and
(10 j + i) * 10000, where i and j
are the indices of the two 0-bits */
/* odocheck is the recursive routine:
tenpow is 10^k where k is the recursion level (0 through 4)
delta is ((odo - tripodo) mod 10000) / tenpow, plus one if
a carry occured at the previous level
bits is a 10-bit vector where the 1-bits indicate digits
already used
curodo is the last four digits of the main odometer. This
starts off, conceptually, with the trip odometer reading
0000 and the last four digits of the main odometer reading
(odo - tripodo) mod 10000. This way the starting value of
each current odometer is always >= the starting value of the
corresponding trip odometer digit, and so the carries always
occur in the same way.
odocheck (delta, tenpow, bits, curodo)
register int delta;
register int tenpow;
register int bits;
register int curodo;
register int gap;
register int b;
if (tenpow == TT) {
/* base of the reucrsion; curodo contains bottom four digits
of main odometer, and bits tells us the eight digits used so far */
if (delta) curodo -= tenpow; /* possibly adjust for carry */
/* do table lookups to get the two possibilities for the
10,000s and 100,000s place digits, normalize to account for
main odometer wrap, and compare against the smallest gap
found so far, updating bestgap on new minima */
gap = unusedpair[bits][0] + curodo - odo;
if (gap < 0) gap += 1000000;
if (gap < bestgap) bestgap = gap;
gap = unusedpair[bits][1] + curodo - odo;
if (gap < 0) gap += 1000000;
if (gap < bestgap) bestgap = gap;
} else {
if (gap = delta % 10) { /* if the digits in this position differ */
/* b is a bit vector holding the pair of bits that are going
to be used in this position. First loop through the
feasible cases where there is no carry... */
for (b = 1 + (1< 0) {
/* hack alert: make bestgap unsigned so that -1 looks like
a very big number when comparing against ints, but will
print out as "-1" when doing a printf("%d"). This saves
some special-casing */
bestgap = -1;
odocheck ((TT + odo - tripo) % TT, 1, 0, (TT + odo - tripo) % TT);
printf ("%d\n",bestgap);