QUILTS Consolation Awards
As always ... there are consolation awards. Some folks actually
try and win these things - perhaps YOU will find your entry wins
one of these in the next POTM!
* The coveted "BEST NAME" award to "Quilt_by_Association" from Randy Saint
Apparently Randy's wife Marianne is again responsible for
the naming of the entry. I think I may have to declare
a tournament of champions for program names just so that
I'm not forced to award the same folks every time!
* Most cryptic program name to "deCoubertin" from Giorgio DiFalco
Perhaps there is a super-quilter named deCoubertin out
there somewhere ... but I can't find him or her!
POTM-MASTER ADDENDUM ... I have since been informed that
Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic games (originally
an ancient Greek POTM :). His famous motto is "It's not
important to win, it's important to participate".
* STRANGEST program name to Carrion_Chameleon from Boris Bulayev
Is it possible I'm missing something???
* BEST PERL entry: knit_1 from Rocco Caputo
* BEST SHELL entry: ugleeee from Fred Hicinbothem
(This clown really needs to learn a real programming
language some day)
* BEST JAVA entry: Steppdecke from Jim Rothenberger
* BEST OUT-OF-THE-BOX Solution from Bernard Hatt (needle)
who suggested we might all be better served by
first using a package of dye on the squares.
via the POTM Message Board ... Bill suggested using a
digitized picture of my Grandmother for the final
problem ... I wish I'D thought of that!
* BEST SNAKE QUILT from Bernard Hatt (an early version of needle)
who managed to generate a 36x1 quilt from the system
test problem.
* BEST "what do you do for fun?" ANSWER from Ramkumar Srinivasan
Ram's favorite pastime: "sleep ... the dreams i
get are more thrilling than a Blockbuster movie."
* MOST BLATENT SOLICITATION is from Randy Saint who wants us all
to see http://www.c-com.net/~saint/contests/ ... a page
with some pointers to other contests that may interest you.
* WHO'S LOOKING FOR WORK???? Trieu Nguyen (trieu@ix.netcom.com)
writes: "Student. Senior level. UC Berkeley. Looking
for a job for next year ..."
* BEST QUOTE FROM A SEVENTH PLACE FINISHER to Kris Kenis (scrabble_gambler)
"The winner of this POTM problem is not the one with
the "best" program, but the one who has the most luck!
So, my program is a "lucky" program with almost no intelligence etc."
* The "WHEW" award goes to our winner Ben Nye ...
Unbeknownst to Ben, he was leading our little contest. Then,
at 11:58 PM on the final day of the contest, Ben sent his
"final update". Luckily for Ben, both entries found a 29x30
quilt so he didn't fall out of first place. (BTW - his earlier
entry had only 19 colors on the border, but the tiebreakers
proved irrelevant.)