Consolation Awards
As always ... there are consolation awards. Some folks actually
try and win these things - perhaps YOU will find your entry wins
one of these in the next POTM!
THE COVETED BEST PROGRAM NAME AWARD to David Roe for "best_name"
David set his sights on an award and I feel that I must
recognize this blatant attempt at trying to influence the
POTM-MASTER ... of course, it's not gonna work next time!
RUNNERUP TO BEST NAME AWARD to Bob Lied for "JustOnce"
While the name itself was not spectacular, Bob's explanation was.
He wrote: I call it "JustOnce", not so much for the uniqueness
of the digits as for the vow to never write code like this again.
WORST PROGRAM NAME to those who didn't name their programs at all ...
maybe they didn't realize that there was an award at stake!
Glenn wrote that his INNERMOST SECRET
"is my outermost joy: my wife Elizabeth"
MOST SUBTLE OPINION goes to John Miano, who wrote:
Code size is a silly measurement.
.EXE size maybe, but source: that is stupid.
SNEAKIEST TRICK ATTEMPT to Andre' Wilhelmus who wanted to name his
program "%d %d\n" complete with spaces and a REAL newline
character. It would have saved him a few characters but I
disallowed it 'cause my shell programs couldn't deal with it!
BEST AWK ENTRY to Ken Kopecky for AWKward
Ken's entry solved all 1000 problems correctly in the allotted
time ... and although it finished dead last among those entries
that found correct answers, I must recognize the valiant effort!
(It was BY FAR the best AWK entry of them all)
MOST PRECOCIOUS AWARD to Catalin Drula who offered the following:
"I learn at Bucharest High School of Computer Science."
"I live in Romania and I'm 15."
"In future I think you should give more difficult problems."
THE "I DID IT AND I'M DONE" AWARD to Julius Collins for fourfor
Julius submitted an entry on October 4th and let it ride.
It was good enogh for "top ten" for the duration!
THE "BETTER LATE THAN NEVER" AWARD to Franz Korntner for tracks
which arrived 2 days late ... even though it was mailed
(more or less) on time ...
BEST C++ ENTRY: George Papoutsis for "forD"
BEST PERL ENTRY: Andrew Robinson for DrivingMiss Perl
BEST JAVA ENTRY: Emerald Chung for Telecommuter
BEST .edu ENTRY: Alex Popiel for Spinner
BEST Lucent entry (non TOC): Harm Jetten for Mercedes
BEST AT&T entry: William Burley and Arthur Goldstein for driveL
BEST non-US entries: Giorgio DiFalco for POTM9609 (Italy) and
Alexey Zhelvis (Russia)