/* Note from the POTM-MASTER: while the limit on entries is 25,000 characters, I always give contestants the opportunity to add comments, expand variable names, "un-cstrip" their code, and do whatever they wish to make it more readable without changing the functionality of the code before it is posted on the web. */ /* POTM ENTRY: potmluck */ /* Your Name: Michael Connelly */ /* Your email: mike_debra@yahoo.com */ /* cc -o potmluck potmluck.c */ /****************************************************************\ * I had found this web site and was very interested in * * the competition but the contest was nearing the end, * * and I hadn't completely read the "rules". I had * * originally used lots of defines, long variable names, * * forward declaration of functions, comments, and few * * global variables. When I read the 25k char limit I * * panicked and removed it all. * \****************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXTIME 560 #define MAX_SIZE 255 typedef unsigned char AltArrayType[MAX_SIZE][MAX_SIZE]; typedef struct { int Limit; unsigned char Width; unsigned char Height; unsigned char MaxAlt; AltArrayType AltArray; AltArrayType WeightArray; AltArrayType UsedArray; } TIStruct; typedef struct { unsigned char Row; unsigned char Col; } RowColStruct; typedef struct { RowColStruct RCArray[MAX_SIZE*20]; int RCQty; long PathTotal; } PathStruct; /****************************************************************\ * The following are arrays containing paths for short and long.* * SPArrayPtr is the Short Path Array * * LPArrayPtr is the Long Path Array * * BPArrayPtr is the Backward Long Path Array * \****************************************************************/ PathStruct *SPArrayPtr = NULL; int SPArrayQty = 0; int SPArrayAlloced = 0; PathStruct *LPArrayPtr = NULL; int LPArrayQty = 0; int LPArrayAlloced = 0; PathStruct *BPArrayPtr = NULL; int BPArrayQty = 0; int BPArrayAlloced = 0; PathStruct BestLPath; int BestLPathSet = 0; int CurrentMinimize; unsigned char CToRow, CToCol; long COLeaf = 0; PathStruct COPath; TIStruct TourInfo; AltArrayType SaveUsedArray, SaveWeightArray; void PrintPath(PSPtr) PathStruct *PSPtr; { int I; for (I = 1; I < PSPtr->RCQty; I++) printf("%d %d\n", (int)PSPtr->RCArray[I].Row, (int)PSPtr->RCArray[I].Col); } void ReversePath(PSPtr) PathStruct *PSPtr; { RowColStruct Temp; int I; for (I = 0; I < PSPtr->RCQty/2; I++) { Temp = PSPtr->RCArray[I]; PSPtr->RCArray[I] = PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1-I]; PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1-I] = Temp; } } void PrintAnswer(ShortPath, LongPath) PathStruct *ShortPath, *LongPath; { PrintPath(ShortPath); PrintPath(LongPath); } int checktime() { int seconds; static struct tms TMS; static int ClkTck=0; times(&TMS); if (!ClkTck) ClkTck = (int)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); seconds = (TMS.tms_stime + TMS.tms_utime)/ClkTck ; if (seconds >= MAXTIME) { PrintAnswer(SPArrayPtr, &BestLPath); exit(0); } return(seconds >= (MAXTIME/2)); } void LoadFileInfo(FileName, TIPtr) char *FileName; TIStruct *TIPtr; { FILE *FPtr; unsigned char Row = 0, Col = 0; char Dummy[255]; int IntDummy; if ((FPtr = fopen(FileName, "r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "File not found : %s\n", FileName); exit(0); } fscanf(FPtr, "%s", Dummy); fscanf(FPtr, "%s", Dummy); fscanf(FPtr, "%d", &(TIPtr->Limit)); fscanf(FPtr, "%d", &IntDummy); TIPtr->Width = (unsigned char)IntDummy; fscanf(FPtr, "%d", &IntDummy); TIPtr->Height = (unsigned char)IntDummy; fscanf(FPtr, "%d", &IntDummy); TIPtr->MaxAlt = (unsigned char)IntDummy; while (fscanf(FPtr, "%d", &IntDummy) != EOF) { TIPtr->AltArray[Row][Col] = (unsigned char)IntDummy; if (Col == (TIPtr->Width-1)) { Row++; Col = 0; } else Col++; } fclose(FPtr); } int Distance(Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2) int Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2; { int RowDist, ColDist; RowDist = abs(Row1 - Row2); ColDist = abs(Col1 - Col2); return(RowDist > ColDist ? RowDist : ColDist); } int DeltaAlt(Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2) int Row1, Col1, Row2, Col2; { return(abs ((int)TourInfo.AltArray[Row1][Col1] - (int)TourInfo.AltArray[Row2][Col2])); } int OffsetAlt(PSPtr, FO, TO) PathStruct *PSPtr; int FO, TO; { return(DeltaAlt(PSPtr->RCArray[FO].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[FO].Col, PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Col)); } void AddPointToArray(RCArray, RCQty, Row, Col) RowColStruct *RCArray; int *RCQty; int Row, Col; { RCArray[*RCQty].Row = (unsigned char)Row; RCArray[*RCQty].Col = (unsigned char)Col; (*RCQty)++; } int GetPointsAroundPoint(Row, Col, RCArray, RCQty) int Row, Col; RowColStruct RCArray[]; int *RCQty; { int I, J; for (I = -1; I <= 1; I++) for (J = -1; J <= 1; J++) if ((I || J) && ValidRowColInt(Row+I, Col+J) ) AddPointToArray(RCArray, RCQty, Row+I, Col+J); return(*RCQty); } void CalcWeightForPoint(Row, Col) int Row, Col; { int PointTotal=0, Point; RowColStruct RCArray[8]; int RCQty=0; GetPointsAroundPoint(Row, Col, RCArray, &RCQty); for (Point = 0; Point < RCQty; Point++) if (!TourInfo.UsedArray[RCArray[Point].Row][RCArray[Point].Col]) PointTotal += DeltaAlt(Row, Col, (int)RCArray[Point].Row, (int)RCArray[Point].Col); TourInfo.WeightArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col] = (unsigned char)(PointTotal / RCQty); } void RecalculatePointsAroundOnePoint(Row, Col) int Row, Col; { int Point; RowColStruct RCArray[8]; int RCQty=0; GetPointsAroundPoint(Row, Col, RCArray, &RCQty); for (Point = 0; Point < RCQty; Point++) CalcWeightForPoint(RCArray[Point].Row, RCArray[Point].Col); } void RecalcWeight() { int Row, Col; for (Row = 0; Row < (int)TourInfo.Height; Row++) for (Col = 0; Col < (int)TourInfo.Width; Col++) CalcWeightForPoint(Row, Col); } void CalcFileInfo() { memset(TourInfo.UsedArray, 0, sizeof(TourInfo.UsedArray)); RecalcWeight(); } PathStruct *GetNewPathPtr(PathArrayPtr, PathArrayQty, PathArrayAlloced) PathStruct **PathArrayPtr; int *PathArrayQty, *PathArrayAlloced; { if ((*PathArrayQty) + 1 > (*PathArrayAlloced)) { (*PathArrayAlloced) += MAX_SIZE * 2; if (*PathArrayPtr) *PathArrayPtr = (PathStruct *) realloc(PathArrayPtr, (*PathArrayAlloced) * sizeof(PathStruct)); else *PathArrayPtr = (PathStruct *) malloc((*PathArrayAlloced) * sizeof(PathStruct)); } memset((*PathArrayPtr)+(*PathArrayQty), 0, sizeof(PathStruct)); (*PathArrayQty)++; return((*PathArrayPtr)+(*PathArrayQty)-1); } void AddToPath(PSPtr, Row, Col) PathStruct *PSPtr; unsigned char Row, Col; { PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty].Row = Row; PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty].Col = Col; (PSPtr->RCQty)++; } void AddPointsToPath(PSPtr, RowStart, ColStart, RowDir, ColDir, NumPoints) PathStruct *PSPtr; unsigned char RowStart, ColStart, NumPoints; int RowDir, ColDir; { unsigned char Point; for (Point = 0; Point < NumPoints; Point++) AddToPath(PSPtr, (unsigned char)((int)RowStart+(Point*RowDir)), (unsigned char)((int)ColStart+(Point*ColDir))); } void CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr) PathStruct *PSPtr; { int I; PSPtr->PathTotal = 0; for (I = 0; I < (PSPtr->RCQty)-1; I++) PSPtr->PathTotal += OffsetAlt(PSPtr, I, I+1); } void MirrorPath(Ptr1, Ptr2) PathStruct *Ptr1, *Ptr2; { int I; for (I = 0; I < Ptr1->RCQty; I++) { Ptr2->RCArray[I].Row = Ptr1->RCArray[I].Col; Ptr2->RCArray[I].Col = Ptr1->RCArray[I].Row; } Ptr2->RCQty = Ptr1->RCQty; } int PathTotalCompareFormula(ptr1, ptr2) PathStruct *ptr1, *ptr2; { double Amt1, Amt2; Amt1 = (double)ptr1->PathTotal / (double)(TourInfo.Limit - ptr1->RCQty + 1); Amt2 = (double)ptr2->PathTotal / (double)(TourInfo.Limit - ptr2->RCQty + 1); if (Amt1 > Amt2) return(1); if (Amt2 > Amt1) return(-1); return(ptr1->RCQty - ptr2->RCQty); } void SortShortPaths(PSPtr, PathStructQty) PathStruct *PSPtr; int PathStructQty; { if (PathStructQty > 1) qsort(PSPtr, PathStructQty, sizeof(PathStruct), PathTotalCompareFormula); } void SLMassage(PSPtr, PathStructQty, LongTest) PathStruct **PSPtr; int *PathStructQty, LongTest; { int I; long Last; for (I = 0; I < *PathStructQty; I++) { CalcWeightOfPath((*PSPtr)+I); do { Last = (*PSPtr)[I].PathTotal; MassageSL((*PSPtr)+I, 1); CalcWeightOfPath((*PSPtr)+I); if (checktime()) return; } while (LongTest && (*PSPtr)[I].PathTotal < Last); } } void CalcWeightOfAllPaths(PSPtr, PathStructQty) PathStruct *PSPtr; int PathStructQty; { int I; for (I = 0; I < PathStructQty; I++) CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr+I); } /****************************************************************\ * Unfortunately I thought Dijkstra used to play for the Mets. * * The idea here is to to find the best path that gets to the * * destination without using backward or sideways movement. * * First generate all paths as n goes from 0 to width which * * traverse the edge for N, then the diagonal, then the other * * edge for N. A mirror function transposes the points so that * * the other half doesn't have to be generated. These paths are * * then minimized and sorted to find the best path. * \****************************************************************/ void ShortestPath() { PathStruct *PSPtr, *MirrorPtr; unsigned char N; PSPtr = GetNewPathPtr(&SPArrayPtr, &SPArrayQty, &SPArrayAlloced); AddPointsToPath(PSPtr, 0, 0, 1, 1, TourInfo.Width); CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr); for (N = 1; N < TourInfo.Width-2; N++) { PSPtr = GetNewPathPtr(&SPArrayPtr, &SPArrayQty, &SPArrayAlloced); AddPointsToPath(PSPtr, 0, 0, 0, 1, N+1); AddPointsToPath(PSPtr, 1, N+1, 1, 1, TourInfo.Width-2-N); AddPointsToPath(PSPtr, TourInfo.Width-1-N, TourInfo.Width-1, 1, 0, N+1); CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr); MirrorPtr = GetNewPathPtr(&SPArrayPtr, &SPArrayQty, &SPArrayAlloced); MirrorPath(PSPtr, MirrorPtr); CalcWeightOfPath(MirrorPtr); } CalcWeightOfAllPaths(SPArrayPtr, SPArrayQty); SortShortPaths(SPArrayPtr, SPArrayQty); SLMassage(&SPArrayPtr, &SPArrayQty, 0); CalcWeightOfAllPaths(SPArrayPtr, SPArrayQty); SortShortPaths(SPArrayPtr, SPArrayQty); } int ValidRowColInt(Row, Col) int Row, Col; { return( (Row >=0) && (Row < TourInfo.Height) && (Col >=0) && (Col < TourInfo.Width)); } int CurrentRange; int MaxRange = 20; int OffsetAdj; void AddToWeightByFactor(PointWeight, Factor, ReturnVal) double PointWeight, Factor, *ReturnVal; { *ReturnVal = ((*ReturnVal * Factor) + PointWeight) / (Factor + 1.0); } void AdjWeightFormula(PointWeight, NumPoints, Distance, Offset, ReturnVal) double PointWeight; int NumPoints, Distance, Offset; double *ReturnVal; { PointWeight /= 5.0; PointWeight *= PointWeight; PointWeight /= Distance; if (OffsetAdj) PointWeight /= (Offset+1); AddToWeightByFactor(PointWeight, (double)NumPoints, ReturnVal); } int AddWForRC(Row, Col, Added, D, Offset, ReturnVal) int Row, Col, *Added, D, Offset; double *ReturnVal; { if (!ValidRowColInt(Row, Col)) return(0); if (TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col] == 1) AdjWeightFormula(0.0, (*Added)++, D, Offset, ReturnVal); else AdjWeightFormula((double) TourInfo.WeightArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col], (*Added)++, D, Offset, ReturnVal); return(1); } /****************************************************************\ * This is the heart of the long path section. Treat each point * * as a gravity point. Its weight is the average of the * * difference of all points around it. This function attempts * * to gravitate in the right direction * \****************************************************************/ int CalcValueInDirection(StartRow, StartCol, AdjRow, AdjCol, ReturnVal) unsigned char StartRow, StartCol; int AdjRow, AdjCol; double *ReturnVal; { int Row, Col, LRow, LCol, Distance, Added=0, I, NLP, RangeAdj; *ReturnVal = 0.0; Row = (int)StartRow + AdjRow; Col = (int)StartCol + AdjCol; if (TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col] == 1) return(0); if (!AddWForRC(Row, Col, &Added, 1, 0, ReturnVal)) return(0); for (Distance = 2; Distance < CurrentRange; Distance++) { Row = (int)StartRow + (AdjRow * Distance); Col = (int)StartCol + (AdjCol * Distance); if (!ValidRowColInt(Row, Col)) return(1); AddWForRC(Row, Col, &Added, 2, 0, ReturnVal); if (Distance <= (CurrentRange / 2)) NLP = Distance / 2; else NLP = (CurrentRange - Distance) / 2; for (I = 1; I <= NLP; I++) { if (AdjRow && AdjCol) { AddWForRC(Row - (AdjRow * I), Col, &Added, Distance, I, ReturnVal); AddWForRC(Row, Col - (AdjCol * I), &Added, Distance, I, ReturnVal); } else { AddWForRC(Row + (AdjCol * I), Col + (AdjRow * I), &Added, Distance, I, ReturnVal); AddWForRC(Row - (AdjCol * I), Col - (AdjRow * I), &Added, Distance, I, ReturnVal); } } } return(1); } int CheckNextPoint(StartRow, StartCol, AdjRow, AdjCol, NextRow, NextCol, HighestValue, ReturnVal) unsigned char StartRow, StartCol; int AdjRow, AdjCol; int *NextRow, *NextCol; double *HighestValue, *ReturnVal; { if (CalcValueInDirection(StartRow, StartCol, AdjRow, AdjCol, ReturnVal)) { if (*ReturnVal > *HighestValue) { *HighestValue = *ReturnVal; *NextRow = (int)StartRow + AdjRow; *NextCol = (int)StartCol + AdjCol; return(1); } } return(0); } #define PATH_ENDED 2 int GetNextPoint(PSPtr, StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol, NextRow, NextCol, MovesLeft) PathStruct *PSPtr; unsigned char StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol; int *NextRow, *NextCol, MovesLeft; { int I, J, TotalDistance, NextDistance, NumAdded=0; double ReturnVal, HighestValue = -1.0; TotalDistance = Distance((int)StartRow, (int)StartCol, (int)EndRow, (int)EndCol); if (TotalDistance >= (MovesLeft-(TourInfo.Width/7))) return(AddMinimumPathToPath(PSPtr, StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol, 0) ? PATH_ENDED : 0); for (I = -1; I <= 1; I++) for (J = -1; J <= 1; J++) if ((I || J) && ValidRowColInt((int)StartRow+I, (int)StartCol+J) ) { NextDistance = Distance((int)StartRow+I, (int)StartCol+J, (int)EndRow, (int)EndCol); if (MovesLeft > NextDistance) NumAdded += CheckNextPoint(StartRow, StartCol, I, J, NextRow, NextCol, &HighestValue, &ReturnVal); } if (!NumAdded) return(AddMinimumPathToPath(PSPtr, StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol, 0) ? PATH_ENDED : 0); return(1); } int MaxLoop = 10; int GoBack(PSPtr, EndRow, EndCol) PathStruct *PSPtr; unsigned char EndRow, EndCol; { int I; for (I = 1; I < MaxLoop; I++) { TourInfo.UsedArray[PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Row] [PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Col] = 0; PSPtr->RCQty--; if (AddMinimumPathToPath(PSPtr, PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Col, EndRow, EndCol, 0)) { return(1); } } return(0); } int PointTest(PSPtr, MaxLength, EndRow, EndCol) PathStruct *PSPtr; int MaxLength; unsigned char EndRow, EndCol; { unsigned char Row, Col; int Counter = 0, NextRow, NextCol, ReturnVal; int DoMass=1; while (PSPtr->RCQty <= MaxLength) { if (!(ReturnVal = GetNextPoint(PSPtr, PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-1].Col, EndRow, EndCol, &NextRow, &NextCol, MaxLength - PSPtr->RCQty + 1))) { if (DoMass) { MassageSL(PSPtr, 0); DoMass = 0; } else return(GoBack(PSPtr, EndRow, EndCol)); } else { if (ReturnVal == PATH_ENDED) return(1); AddToPath(PSPtr, (unsigned char)NextRow, (unsigned char)NextCol); TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)NextRow][(unsigned char)NextCol] = 1; if ((NextRow == (int)EndRow) && (NextCol == (int)EndCol)) return(1); if (PSPtr->RCQty > 2) RecalculatePointsAroundOnePoint(PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-2].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[PSPtr->RCQty-2].Col); } if (++Counter > (MaxLength * 2)) return(0); } return(0); } void SetUsedArrayLoop(PSPtr, From, To, OnOff) PathStruct *PSPtr; int From, To; unsigned char OnOff; { int I; for (I = From; I <= To; I++) TourInfo.UsedArray[PSPtr->RCArray[I].Row][PSPtr->RCArray[I].Col] = OnOff; } void InitUsedAndWeightFromPath(PSPtr) PathStruct *PSPtr; { int I; memset(TourInfo.UsedArray, 0, sizeof(TourInfo.UsedArray)); SetUsedArrayLoop(PSPtr, 1, PSPtr->RCQty-2, 1); RecalcWeight(); memcpy(SaveUsedArray, TourInfo.UsedArray, sizeof(SaveUsedArray)); memcpy(SaveWeightArray, TourInfo.WeightArray, sizeof(SaveWeightArray)); } void RestoreUsedAndWeight() { memcpy(TourInfo.UsedArray, SaveUsedArray, sizeof(TourInfo.UsedArray)); memcpy(TourInfo.WeightArray, SaveWeightArray, sizeof(TourInfo.WeightArray)); } int OffsetDistance(PSPtr, FO, TO) PathStruct *PSPtr; int FO, TO; { return(Distance((int)PSPtr->RCArray[FO].Row, (int)PSPtr->RCArray[FO].Col, (int)PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Row, (int)PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Col)); } int FindShortPoint(PSPtr, BV) PathStruct *PSPtr; int *BV; { int I, SO=0, Value; for (I = 1; I < PSPtr->RCQty-2; I++) if (OffsetDistance(PSPtr, I-1, I+1) == 1) { Value = OffsetAlt(PSPtr, I-1, I) + OffsetAlt(PSPtr, I, I+1) - OffsetAlt(PSPtr, I-1, I+1); if (!SO || (Value < *BV)) { *BV = Value; SO = I; } } return(SO); } #define _GetRow(P, I) (P->RCArray[I].Row) #define _GetCol(P, I) (P->RCArray[I].Col) int ValidMove(Row, Col) int Row, Col; { return(ValidRowColInt(Row, Col) && !TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col]); } int FindNewPoint(PSPtr, BV, BR, BC) PathStruct *PSPtr; int *BV, *BR, *BC; { int P, I, J, NR, NC, SO=0, Value; for (P = 0; P < PSPtr->RCQty-2; P++) for (I = -1; I <= 1; I++) for (J = -1; J <= 1; J++) if (I || J) { NR = (int)_GetRow(PSPtr, P)+I; NC = (int)_GetCol(PSPtr, P)+J; if (ValidMove(NR, NC) && (Distance(NR, NC, (int)_GetRow(PSPtr, P+1), (int)_GetCol(PSPtr, P+1)) == 1)) { Value = DeltaAlt((int)_GetRow(PSPtr, P), (int)_GetCol(PSPtr, P) ,NR, NC) + DeltaAlt(NR, NC, (int)_GetRow(PSPtr, P+1), (int)_GetCol(PSPtr, P+1)) - OffsetAlt(PSPtr, P, P+1); if (!SO || (Value > *BV)) { *BV = Value; SO = P; *BR = NR; *BC = NC; } } } return(SO); } int AddBestPoint(PSPtr, BHV) PathStruct *PSPtr; int *BHV; { int P, I, BR, BC; P = FindNewPoint(PSPtr, BHV, &BR, &BC); if (*BHV) { TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)BR][(unsigned char)BC] = 1; for (I = PSPtr->RCQty; I > (P+1); I--) PSPtr->RCArray[I] = PSPtr->RCArray[I-1]; PSPtr->RCArray[P+1].Row = (unsigned char)BR; PSPtr->RCArray[P+1].Col = (unsigned char)BC; PSPtr->RCQty++; return(1); } return(0); } /****************************************************************\ * Remove bad points and add good ones. (long path only) * \****************************************************************/ void MassageSP(PSPtr) PathStruct *PSPtr; { int P, I=1, BLV=0, BHV=0, BR, BC, Counter=0; while ( I && (PSPtr->RCQty < (TourInfo.Limit - SPArrayPtr->RCQty + 2))) I = AddBestPoint(PSPtr, &BHV); do { if (P = FindShortPoint(PSPtr, &BLV)) { TourInfo.UsedArray[_GetRow(PSPtr, P)][_GetCol(PSPtr, P)] = 0; for (I = P; I < PSPtr->RCQty-1; I++) PSPtr->RCArray[I] = PSPtr->RCArray[I+1]; PSPtr->RCQty--; } else return; AddBestPoint(PSPtr, &BHV); } while ((BHV > BLV) && (Counter++ < 10000)); } void SetBestPath(PSPtr, Reversed) PathStruct *PSPtr; int Reversed; { BestLPath = *PSPtr; if (Reversed) ReversePath(&BestLPath); BestLPathSet = 1; } void CheckBestLP(PSPtr, Reversed) PathStruct *PSPtr; int Reversed; { if (!BestLPathSet || (PSPtr->PathTotal > BestLPath.PathTotal)) SetBestPath(PSPtr, Reversed); } /****************************************************************\ * Loop through maximizing functions until no improvement * \****************************************************************/ void BTMassage(PSPtr, Reversed) PathStruct *PSPtr; int Reversed; { long Last; do { Last = PSPtr->PathTotal; MassageSL(PSPtr, 0); MassageSP(PSPtr); CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr); CheckBestLP(PSPtr, Reversed); checktime(); } while (PSPtr->PathTotal > Last); } void LongestPath(PArrayPtr, PArrayQty, PArrayAlloced, StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol, Reversed) PathStruct **PArrayPtr; int *PArrayQty; int PArrayAlloced; unsigned char StartRow, StartCol, EndRow, EndCol; int Reversed; { PathStruct *PSPtr; PSPtr = GetNewPathPtr(PArrayPtr, PArrayQty, PArrayAlloced); PArrayQty--; AddToPath(PSPtr, StartRow, StartCol); TourInfo.UsedArray[StartRow][StartCol] = 1; if (PointTest(PSPtr, TourInfo.Limit - SPArrayPtr->RCQty + 1, EndRow, EndCol)) { RestoreUsedAndWeight(); SetUsedArrayLoop(PSPtr, 1, PSPtr->RCQty-2, 1); CalcWeightOfPath(PSPtr); BTMassage(PSPtr, Reversed); PArrayQty++; } checktime(); RestoreUsedAndWeight(); } /****************************************************************\ * Generate long paths by by varying values used in determining * * next direction. Generate backward paths in case the better * * points are weighted toward the end. Originally had a * * function that tried to merge the two, but no better result * * was yielded from the test data, so I decided against * * including it * \****************************************************************/ void LongestPaths() { for (CurrentRange = 5; CurrentRange < MaxRange; CurrentRange++) for (OffsetAdj = 0; OffsetAdj < 2; OffsetAdj++) { LongestPath(&LPArrayPtr, &LPArrayQty, &LPArrayAlloced, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[SPArrayPtr->RCQty-1].Row, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[SPArrayPtr->RCQty-1].Col, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[0].Row, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[0].Col, 0); LongestPath(&BPArrayPtr, &BPArrayQty, &BPArrayAlloced, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[0].Row, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[0].Col, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[SPArrayPtr->RCQty-1].Row, SPArrayPtr->RCArray[SPArrayPtr->RCQty-1].Col, 1); } } /****************************************************************\ * Acres of tree stuff * \****************************************************************/ typedef struct { unsigned char Row; unsigned char Col; long POff; long PathAlt; long Chil[8]; int ChilQty; } TreeStruct; TreeStruct *CTreePtr = NULL; long CTreeQty = 0; long CTreeAlloced = 0; int GetNewTreePtr() { if (CTreeQty + 1 > CTreeAlloced) { CTreeAlloced += 1000; if (CTreePtr) CTreePtr = (TreeStruct *) realloc(CTreePtr, CTreeAlloced * sizeof(TreeStruct)); else CTreePtr = (TreeStruct *) malloc(CTreeAlloced * sizeof(TreeStruct)); } memset(CTreePtr+CTreeQty, 0, sizeof(TreeStruct)); CTreeQty++; return(1); } long AllocateNewChild() { GetNewTreePtr(); return(CTreeQty-1); } void AddChildToOffset(Offset, Row, Col) long Offset; unsigned char Row, Col; { long N; N = AllocateNewChild(); CTreePtr[Offset].Chil[CTreePtr[Offset].ChilQty] = N; CTreePtr[N].Row = Row; CTreePtr[N].Col = Col; CTreePtr[N].POff = Offset; CTreePtr[N].PathAlt = CTreePtr[Offset].PathAlt + DeltaAlt(CTreePtr[Offset].Row, CTreePtr[Offset].Col, CTreePtr[N].Row, CTreePtr[N].Col); CTreePtr[Offset].ChilQty++; } void SetChilForOffset(Offset) long Offset; { int Row, Col, I, J; for (I = -1; I <= 1; I++) for (J = -1; J <= 1; J++) if (I || J) { Row = CTreePtr[Offset].Row + I; Col = CTreePtr[Offset].Col + J; if (ValidRowColInt(Row, Col) && (TourInfo.UsedArray[(unsigned char)Row][(unsigned char)Col] != 1)) { if (Distance(Row, Col, (int)CToRow, (int)CToCol) < Distance((int)CTreePtr[Offset].Row, (int)CTreePtr[Offset].Col, (int)CToRow, (int)CToCol)) AddChildToOffset(Offset, (unsigned char)Row, (unsigned char)Col); } } } void SetOPRec(Offset) long Offset; { if (Offset != 0) SetOPRec(CTreePtr[Offset].POff); AddToPath(&COPath, CTreePtr[Offset].Row, CTreePtr[Offset].Col); } void RemoveDuplicates(Start, CTreeQty) long Start, CTreeQty; { long I, J; for (I = Start; I < CTreeQty-1; I++) { if (CTreePtr[I].ChilQty != -1) for (J = I+1; J < CTreeQty; J++) if ((CTreePtr[I].Row == CTreePtr[J].Row) && (CTreePtr[I].Col == CTreePtr[J].Col)) { if (CurrentMinimize ^ (CTreePtr[I].PathAlt >= CTreePtr[J].PathAlt)) CTreePtr[J].ChilQty = -1; else { CTreePtr[I].ChilQty = -1; continue; } } } } /****************************************************************\ * Originally had a recursive version, hence the name. * * Basically, given two points of Distance N, there is an * * optimum path of length N. I find it by generating all valid * * moves and putting them in a tree. I then check the tree and * * eliminate all paths that occupy the same point but have a * * worse value, Continue till you reach the end * \****************************************************************/ long GeneratePathsNonRecursive(Distance) int Distance; { int I; long J, Start=0, PrevStart=0; for (I = 0; I < Distance; I++) { Start = PrevStart; PrevStart = CTreeQty; for (J = Start; J < PrevStart; J++) { if (CTreePtr[J].ChilQty != -1) SetChilForOffset(J); } checktime(); RemoveDuplicates(Start, CTreeQty); checktime(); } for (J = CTreeQty-1; J > 0; J--) if ((CTreePtr[J].ChilQty != -1) && (CTreePtr[J].Row == CToRow) && (CTreePtr[J].Col == CToCol)) return(J); return(0); } /****************************************************************\ * generate the minimal length path from a point to a point. * \****************************************************************/ int GetOptMin(Row, Col, ToRow, ToCol, Minimize) unsigned char Row, Col, ToRow, ToCol; int Minimize; { long Root; CTreeQty = 0; Root = AllocateNewChild(); CTreePtr[Root].Row = Row; CTreePtr[Root].Col = Col; CurrentMinimize = Minimize; CToRow = ToRow; CToCol = ToCol; COLeaf = 0; memset(&COPath, 0, sizeof(PathStruct)); if (COLeaf = GeneratePathsNonRecursive(Distance((int)Row, (int)Col, (int)ToRow, (int)ToCol))) { COPath.RCQty = 0; SetOPRec(COLeaf); return(1); } return(0); } /****************************************************************\ * Traverse a path for sub-paths whose distance is the same * * as the number of points in the path. Given that path, * * replace it with one generated by GetOptMin() * \****************************************************************/ int MassageSL(PSPtr, Minimize) PathStruct *PSPtr; int Minimize; { int I, J, SO=0, TO, DistanceToStart; for (I = 1; I < PSPtr->RCQty; I++) { DistanceToStart = OffsetDistance(PSPtr, SO, I); if ( ((I - SO) > DistanceToStart) || (I == PSPtr->RCQty-1) || (DistanceToStart > 100)) { if (DistanceToStart > 1) { TO = I-1; if (!Minimize) SetUsedArrayLoop(PSPtr, SO+1, TO, 0); if (GetOptMin(PSPtr->RCArray[SO].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[SO].Col, PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Row, PSPtr->RCArray[TO].Col, Minimize) ) { for (J = 0; J < COPath.RCQty; J++) { PSPtr->RCArray[SO+J].Row = COPath.RCArray[J].Row; PSPtr->RCArray[SO+J].Col = COPath.RCArray[J].Col; } } if (!Minimize) SetUsedArrayLoop(PSPtr, SO, TO, 1); } SO = I-1; } else { } } } /****************************************************************\ * Given a path, Add the best minimal length path to a point. * \****************************************************************/ int AddMinimumPathToPath(PSPtr, Row, Col, ToRow, ToCol, Minimize) PathStruct *PSPtr; unsigned char Row, Col, ToRow, ToCol; int Minimize; { int J; if (GetOptMin(Row, Col, ToRow, ToCol, Minimize)) { for (J = 1; J < COPath.RCQty; J++) AddToPath(PSPtr, COPath.RCArray[J].Row, COPath.RCArray[J].Col); return(1); } else return(0); } main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { if (argc > 1) { LoadFileInfo(argv[1], &TourInfo); CalcFileInfo(); ShortestPath(); InitUsedAndWeightFromPath(SPArrayPtr); LongestPaths(); PrintAnswer(SPArrayPtr, &BestLPath); } } _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? 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