Link to file containing ONLY the final problem
In general, I constructed a 19x72 letter grid by choosing smaller rectangles of letters and pasting them together. Then I filled in some longer phrases, some smaller phrases, and finally filled in the remaining open spaces with small words and random letters. The following are ramblings about the individual sections ... BBBBBBBBBBBBB BANANAAANANAB BANANANANANAB BANANAAANANAB BANANANANANAB BANANAAANANAB BBBBBBBBBBBBB BANANA 11696 Bananas are in this bunch ... BBBBBB BBBBBB B BANANA A ANANAB BANANA N ANANAB BANANA A ANANAB BANANA N ANANAB BANANA A ANANAB BBBBBB B BBBBBB A human could possibly pick 11 bananas out of this bunch fairly quickly ... while a program that attempts to look at every possible combination may choke unless it worries about cases like this. So, says I, might as well use a little section of the final problem to REALLY create some havoc ... AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA there are 646468 possible "AAAAAA" strings in this nugget. I figure I was very kind to only devote a small segment of the final problem to this sort of ugliness. The 91 A's can fairly easily create 15 "AAAAAA" strings, and they will all score the same - so it really doesn't matter which you pick. Again - this might be easier for a human than the average program! (side problem ... n by m grid of "A"s ... how many different strings of length k can be found? ) After a bit of reflection, I decided that a simple block like this might be too easy for the "use the first solution I find" entries ... so I messed it up a bit. Well, I started with a block ABAAAAAAAAAAA of all "A" but then I decided AACAAAAAAAABA to put in some other letters AAADAAAAAACAA to make it a little less clear AAAAEAAAADAAA where the strings of A's were. AAAAAFGAEAAAA Did this make it easier or AAAAAHGFAAAAA harder??? I don't know! AAAAAAAHAAAAA One more "block of letters to discuss .... MAMMADQNACQQQ QAMAAMAMIMAMQ QQDADLIMANADA QQQAPAADAAAMM MQQQMAMMDLPAA ADAMCINIMADAN AMIAAPMAMAANA ADNNLALAMAMMP MAAAPDMIDADAL MMNAANAPLACAN AAAMAMAANAMAM MADAMIMADAM AMANAPLANACANALPANAMA Woven deep within this section are phrases which are the same when read backward as forward ... "Madam, I'm Adam." and "A man, a plan, a canal: Panama" After these three blocks I went ahead and put in a bunch of phrases and words ... then I added some random words to the wordlist and put everyone to work on it. Was it good? Was it bad??? Who knows ... but it IS over!!! =Fred
Link to file containing ONLY the final problem