You write a program to play a game X O O O O O O O called "chomp" and play against all O O O O O O O O the other folks who send in programs. O O O O * * * * O O O O * * * * Head-to-head, winner-take-all. O O O O * * * *Programs alternately eat a bunch of cookies by choosing a row and column and "eating" everything below and to the right of it. The example above shows a 5x8 starting grid after one chomp at row 3, column 5 that ate 12 cookies. The poison cookie is always in the upper left hand corner. When it's your turn, take a chomp and avoid being the one who is forced to eat the poison cookie. THIS POTM is not original, some research may pay off!
If you want to compete - you'll need the details. Simply send mail to and I'll ship you the details and put you on the weekly status mailing list for this problem. [or, if this bounces:] [or, as a last resort:]
Hope you'll consider having some fun and entering this one!!! Deadline will be 11:59 PM EST on Sunday September 3, 1995 - BUT, as previous participants will tell you - it PAYS to enter early (you can always update your entry!)