========================================================== CONGRATULATIONS TO D O U G J O N E S for m u d p a c k AS THE WINNER OF THE February, 1998 King's Lottery POTM!!! ==========================================================
WOW ... TOUGH CONTEST ... only FOUR entries progressed past the N=37 round one of the finals ... congratulations to Hal Burch and Danny Sleator, to Doug Jones, to Ted Alper and to the "Happy Hacker" for making it to ROUND 2 .... N=98!!! The results of the first round are shown below ... and each participant will receive the results of their program. THE SECOND ROUND ... N=98 ... only four participants made it into the second round, Doug Jones' "mudpack" found a 741 ticket solution while "ShowMeTheMoney" from Hal Burch and Danny Sleator found a 750 ticket solution. Ted Alper's "shroud_of_Turan" found a 762 ticket solution. "DuckAndCover", from The Happy Hacker apparently only found valid solutions (albeit the BEST ones) for values of N less than or equal to 96. (Side note ... some of the other entries actually found better N=98 solutions, but they had not progressed to the second round by finding the best solution in the first round ... go figure!) Lots more mail will be coming to those who submitted programs, and the website will be updated soon ... stay tuned ... and thanks for participating in the POTM! (and I'm sorry it took so long getting these results out. A system problem coupled with the difficulty of checking the results forced me to delay this mail an extra day.) =Fred ENTRY TICKETS SUM TIME LANG Programmer ---------------- ------- ----- ------ ---- ------------------- ShowMeTheMoney 31 3493 .38 gc H.Burch D.Sleator shroud_of_Turan 31 3493 503.68 JAVA Ted Alper mudpack 31 3704 .93 c Doug Jones DuckAndCover 31 4753 .10 c Happy Hacker Prairie_Dog_Weiner 32 3794 580.39 c Thad Smith El_Konyo 34 3945 471.89 gc Yoichi Kono ticketysplit 35 4617 3.56 c Vincent Goffin tax_minimizer 35 4617 590.30 gc George Papoutsis only_for_the_rich 36 3936 449.99 c Franz Mauch Russian_Roulette 37 4117 4.04 C Dmitry Potapov Renegade 38 4599 4.48 c John Engels PackUpYourTriples 39 4547 .29 c John Linderman autolotto 40 4546 .11 gc David Van_Brackle elboe 40 4627 .16 c Andrew Gauld Lott-Er-Luck 40 4693 .09 c Paul Bunting Hole_Lotto_Love 40 5017 9.13 PERL John Williams RockNRodl 41 4775 2.43 PERL Matthew Mullin who_needs_luck 43 5151 .13 gC Shawn Fox LOTO_NHV 43 5395 .12 C Nguyen Viet LuckOut 44 5171 .13 c Davor Slamnig SWAG 45 5280 .06 c Paul Banta Bozo4_TM_So_Close 45 5445 1.98 CSH Susan Adams HatTrick 50 5760 1.65 PERL D.Ross M.Hiller luckyluke 58 7689 20.15 gC Michael Strauch Slaughter-E 60 7972 10.57 c Brace Stout tripleg 70 9390 120.13 c Ivan Velev EasyMoney 77 9355 6.65 c Joe Vollbrecht cclljj 77 9355 999.27 c Chen Ling-Jyh simple 80 9779 1.09 c Alexey Zhelvis kentemp 80 9779 1.29 gc Ken Bateman zakharov 80 9779 1.56 c Alexei Zakharov loops 80 9779 1.68 gc Bernard Hatt in2win 80 9779 67.87 gC Joseph Eccles DumbAndSlow 80 9779 117.83 C Colin Rafferty CouldaBeen 80 10636 5314.66 gC Keith Jones Lotta_rye 82 10084 497.80 C A.S.Kiran Koushik pzsoltLottery 87 10631 6.18 gc Peter Zsolt Karin-T-L 89 7734 2.24 gC Peter Conrad sevens 145 13686 10.63 c Aivars Zogla tix 383 49765 10.96 c Eric Weeks lottoluck 383 50166 2.57 c Edwin Berlin TicketToElbonia 512 69033 .35 c Sam Wilson triceratops 632 83495 .66 c Earl Chew Olimpas 809 95189 .25 c Mantas Puida Bingo 1302 123396 .19 c Rags Viswanathan Brute_Remorse 1302 222936 2.44 gC Chad Hurwitz frisbee 1302 222936 3.29 PERL Andrew Schexnaydre Ticketmaster 1302 222936 35.14 c Guy Oliver NiceTry 1302 222936 80.44 gc Seth Rothenberg something_clever 5456 398288 .37 gc Don Dykes J3lottery 5456 398288 1.54 PERL Jason Nichols POTM_Emporer 999999 0 gc John Guo LottoMan 999999 0 .08 PAS Darren Davis LuckAssure 999999 0 .08 c Vikram Sreeram MERLOT 999999 0 .09 c Elizabeth Ross LOTO-OPTIMIST 999999 0 .09 c Le_Kim Quoc_Phong noentry 999999 0 .10 N Luc Kumps The_Lucky_Draw 999999 0 .11 gc S. Arun TroubleWithTriples 999999 0 .11 C R.Saint S.Weldon Prince 999999 0 .12 c Brandon Crosby LuckyDip 999999 0 .12 c Roy Lett IMayAlreadyBeAWinner 999999 0 .13 c Phil Gregory Two_Adder 999999 0 .23 PERL Nick Hildenbrandt LOTO_WINNER 999999 0 .45 c Tong Nghia lotto 999999 0 .48 c Jimmy Hu LGVNWINH 999999 0 .66 PAS Tran Hoang Lot_O_Tickets 999999 0 1.95 c Beth Wilson Indian_lottery 999999 0 1.96 JAVA Raja Kannan Rabbits 999999 0 5.83 c Victor Udovenko copycat 999999 0 5.92 C Neal Palmer shoe_in 999999 0 8.14 gC Andy Olsen hatchance 999999 0 30.22 JAVA George Adams blotto 999999 0 99.99 c Warren Montgomery straightforward_average 999999 0 425.59 gc Curtis Larsen lottoloser 999999 0 570.25 c Nguyen Trieu king 999999 0 834.46 gC Brenda Holloway lot-shot 999999 0 924.31 c George Menhorn Jester 999999 0 killed C Phillip Staite good2bdking 999999 0 1210.29 c Shawn Wischoeffer Samanyolu 999999 0 1334.03 c Ertugrul Tabak WhatASweat 999999 0 1351.74 c Giorgio DiFalco Lotorenzo 999999 0 1389.76 c Lourenco Arnasalon Elbo_Mac 999999 0 25375.89 gC Andrew Royappa jabri_mamu 999999 0 5332.02 gC Neelkanth Natu (999999 means that the result did not cover all possible draws, or that some other error caused the output to be incorrect.) Our POTM mirror sites: *** http://www.cs.washington.edu/homes/corin/POTM.PAGES/ for the USofA *** http://www.lbi.ro/potm/ in Europe *** http://potm.ffast.att.com/ INSIDE AT&T only *** http://icds.micro.lucent.com/POTM INSIDE Lucent only =========================================================================== The FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) list follows .....