Programmer Of The Month (POTM) participants of the world, please join me in congratulating: Stan Peijffers AT&T-NSI (Netherlands) as the winner of the LOYD'S DILEMMA challenge! The POTM has now officially gone GLOBAL ... Stan's entry "shufflemania" found the shortest sequence of moves needed to unscramble the 25 tiles in the scrambled squares and thus was declared the latest POTM CHAMPION. Bill Tanenbaum, with his entry "scrambloyd" took top honors in the Tournament Of Champions division for past winners.
For each of the five squares (presented below) I show the number of tiles properly placed (max 25) and the number of moves it took to get there. Then the total tiles placed, moves, and transports are given along with the total time (in milliseconds) for all five squares - note that there was a 10 minute limit on each square! If the score shows "0/ILL" the program attempted an illegal move. A score of "0/TIM" indicates that the 10 minute limit was exceeded. ENTRY FOXY AID TYPO FAQ WARN TOTAL (5) TOTAL T ============= ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ============ ========= shufflemania 25/94 25/89 25/98 25/90 25/82 125/0453/062 2928770ms dilloydemma 25/104 25/95 25/112 25/104 25/82 125/0497/078 2985100ms slowmotion 25/112 25/99 25/116 25/110 25/96 125/0533/089 1260620ms O+PTM_rtll 25/116 25/115 25/128 25/100 25/92 125/0551/090 3000170ms pinkfLoyd 25/136 25/125 25/128 25/116 25/102 125/0607/092 970690ms dubious 25/132 25/131 25/140 25/130 25/94 125/0627/102 2116180ms twobits 25/144 25/137 25/154 25/140 25/136 125/0711/141 710ms tilex 25/158 25/171 25/182 25/166 25/140 125/0817/136 370ms Nilssonized 25/290 25/387 25/236 25/250 25/264 125/1427/158 78090ms alphabits 20/144 25/119 25/144 25/150 25/138 120/0695/149 647000ms slider 25/102 25/91 25/104 25/88 0/TIM 100/0385/051 1485830ms bittwister 25/110 0/TIM 25/112 25/122 25/106 100/0450/088 799780ms ramduf 25/154 25/141 0/TIM 25/114 25/136 100/0545/078 1436190ms Brute.Force 0/TIM 25/231 25/276 25/246 25/208 100/0961/096 622600ms escort 25/216 15/122 14/171 14/172 25/174 093/0855/109 430ms snails-pace 16/202 11/88 16/202 18/202 15/202 076/0896/124 2461550ms detangler 0/ILL 0/ILL 25/230 0/TIM 25/254 062/0484/053 1034530ms THIS IS THE TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS (for previous winners): ENTRY FOXY AID TYPO FAQ WARN TOTAL (5) TOTAL T ============= ====== ====== ====== ====== ====== ============ ========= =scrambloyd 25/86 25/87 25/94 25/84 25/78 125/0429/065 1050890ms =lwr 25/268 25/277 0/ILL 25/258 25/266 105/1069/085 1490ms =10.pound.sledge 25/160 0/TIM 25/148 25/142 0/TIM 075/0450/088 2369780ms The starting positions whose scores are shown above: FOXY AID TYPO FAQ WARN ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== THEQU NOWIS QWERT THISA WARNI ICKBR THEMF UIOPA LOFRE GOTCE OWNFX RALGD SDFGH QUNKD HSMDL JMPSV CUBJK JKLXC WPGMV UFBPJ LADG+ PQVX+ VBNM+ BCXJ+ VXKQ+ ========================= WHO'S WHO ============================= Brute.Force Tommy Six Nilssonized V. Raghavan O+PTM_rtll Keith Vollherbst alphabits Jim Porter bittwister P.Frants S.Pieterse detangler Alfredo Machuca dilloydemma Bob Ashenfelter dubious Mark Studebaker escort Mary Kaminski lwr =Debbie Brown pinkfLoyd David Korn ramduf Randy Saint scrambloyd =Bill Tanenbaum shufflemania hvgtw!hvssa01! Stan Peijffers slider Andrew Shaw slowmotion Michael Strauch snails-pace Graham McDermott tilex Joe Eccles twobits Warren Montgomery 10.pound.sledge =Fred Hicinbothem