Information about the winner and the solution
My dashboard (vintage 1986 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser wood-grained wagon) has two mile-measuring thingys on it: A) an odometer that measures how many miles my car has traveled since it was born; [_][_][_][_][_][_] <-- this is A B) a "trip" odometer that measures how many miles the car has traveled since I last set it to zero by pushing a button. [_][_][_][_] * <-- this is B (* is the button!) But the button is broken, and I can no longer reset it to 0000 ! Well, I often look at my dashboard, and the other day it looked like: 9 0 5 8 7 4 1 3 6 2 * The numbers were all different. I was truly amazed. I wondered how far I would have to travel before this happened again. When it wasn't obvious how to figure this out ... I thought this might be worthy of the POTM crew!