Once every couple of months,
The POTM-Master
poses some kind of problem that can be solved with a program of some sort.
I'll support most non-compiled languages - including perl, awk, shell, and
pretty much anything that lives on the Linux box hosting the new site.
(The pre-2000 POTM supported several compiled languages, but I no longer
have that capability.)
Folks from all around the world send me their code and their results
are compared. After breaking all the ties, a winner is declared and they get
custody of the
famous rotating POTM trophy
until the next contest.
It is for FUN ... nothing more, nothing less. It started as a contest for
AT&T folks, and (since 1993)
has grown to a global community of close to 2000
people from various companies and universities.
Anyone who can get email to me can participate!!! Get on
the mailing list
and make sure you hear about each new problem - even if you don't
ever enter, you may enjoy hearing about the problems.
Email me (updated 08/2004) and I'll put you on the mailing list!